Wonder Weeks Leap 1 – William’s Experience
I was introduced to the Wonder Weeks when Caroline was a few weeks old. I was immediately intrigued and got the free app on my phone. The app asks for… The post Wonder Weeks Leap 1 – William’s...
View ArticleWeek 6 Schedule and Update
Week 6 Babywise Schedule Not much change to William’s schedule this week. Feedings occur every 3 hours at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm… The post Week 6 Schedule and Update appeared first on...
View ArticleNo One Is Going to be “Murdering” Babies In NY
The news came out this week, that New York has legalized full term abortions. People on social media are in an uproar. I see all sorts of comments that this… The post No One Is Going to be “Murdering”...
View ArticleWilliam’s Week 7 Schedule & Update
Week 7 Babywise Schedule Feedings occur every 3 hours at 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 6 pm, 9 pm Wake times are now consistently 1 hour! As… The post William’s Week 7 Schedule & Update appeared first...
View ArticleWilliam’s Week 8 Schedule and Update
Week 8 Babywise Schedule Feedings occur about every 3 hours: 6 am, 9 am, 12 pm, 3 pm, 5:30 pm, 8 pm We changed up the last feeding to be… The post William’s Week 8 Schedule and Update appeared first...
View ArticleBaby Milestone Book
Baby milestone books are so much fun. I love the idea of recording weekly and monthly, the growth of our baby. I will admit, it was much easier to keep… The post Baby Milestone Book appeared first on...
View ArticleWilliam’s Week 9 Schedule and Update
Week 9 Babywise Schedule We made a few tweaks this week to William’s schedule, specifically in the evening hours. I’ve been trying to get him sleeping longer at night, since… The post William’s Week 9...
View ArticleWeek 10 Babywise Schedule and Update
Week 10 Babywise Schedule William’s schedule this week was the same as it was at the second half of week 9. We found a schedule that was working very well… The post Week 10 Babywise Schedule and...
View ArticleBedtime Routine With Multiple Children
I am a firm believer that a good bedtime routine and sleep environment will set your child up for sleep success. When a child has a bedtime routine, they know… The post Bedtime Routine With Multiple...
View ArticleWonder Weeks Leap 2
William entered Wonder Week 8 (Leap 2) just as expected…based on his birth date. The changes we noticed in him during and after this leap were a bit more subtle… The post Wonder Weeks Leap 2 appeared...
View ArticleUseful Easter Basket Stuffers for Preschoolers
Easter is such a fun holiday with young children. The preschool age is super fun. They love the hunt for eggs, and all of the goodies that they get. In… The post Useful Easter Basket Stuffers for...
View ArticleWilliam’s Week 12 Babywise Schedule and Update
Last week came and went so fast that I wasn’t able to get a week 11 update out. Now, we’re starting week 13 with William, and I’m writing a look… The post William’s Week 12 Babywise Schedule and...
View ArticleI Can’t Imagine Life Without You
Dear William, I read a story the other day about a baby that was born stillborn. This baby was 35 weeks gestation. His mom had cholestasis- just like me. This… The post I Can’t Imagine Life Without...
View ArticleHow We Did Sleep Training With Our Daughter
This post was originally published at TwinMomandMore. When our daughter was 4 months old, we did sleep training with her. Full on cry it out. Exactly what you think of… The post How We Did Sleep...
View ArticleWonder Weeks Leap 3: Wonder Week 12 Smooth Transitions
William definitely became more fussy right when the wonder weeks chart (from the app) predicted. It was obvious that he was in his third leap…also known as wonder week 12,… The post Wonder Weeks Leap...
View ArticleHow I Handle Baby Waking Up At Night Differently With This Baby
A baby waking up at night time can be challenging. When they are newborns, we know they need food. We need to feed them. At the same time, if you… The post How I Handle Baby Waking Up At Night...
View ArticlePreschool Friendly Letter Activities
Now that Caroline is 4 years old, we’ve been doing more focused learning activities at home (specifically some preschool friendly letter activities). It’s been difficult to find the time, since… The...
View ArticleCaroline, Your Heart is so Beautiful
There are those times that as moms we only see the misbehavior. The fact that our child didn’t listen. But we need to take a step back sometimes. See why.… The post Caroline, Your Heart is so...
View ArticlePossible Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome Prenatal Diagnosis
Today we have a guest post from a mom that chose to spare her baby pain. She was given a Smith Lemli Opitz Syndrome Prenatal Diagnosis as an initially likelihood… The post Possible Smith Lemli Opitz...
View ArticleBabywise 45 Minute Intruder
When you use babywise, 45 minute intruder talk is always a huge focus. The 45 minute intruder is something that happens to all babies at some point or another. It’s… The post Babywise 45 Minute...
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